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Neurotherapy Clinics Australia provides highly comprehensive, state-of-the-art QEEG Brain Mapping to identify brain activity that is overactive or underactive, and regions of the brain that are not communicating effectively.


A QEEG Brain Scan is the initial step in the neurotherapy process, as it is used to design an individually-tailored brain training program which is best suited to your needs and goals.

For more information, send us an enquiry via the contact page


What is a QEEG Brain Scan?


A Quantitative EEG is a safe, non-invasive tool for measuring the brain's electrical activity (brainwaves).

During a QEEG, clients wear a fitted EEG cap with 20 electrodes over the scalp. A small amount of saline gel is inserted in each electrode in order to detect an electrical signal. Once a perfect signal is established, advanced computer software will begin a brief EEG recording of the activity while the client sits still and comfortable in a chair facing a computer screen. 

After gathering the EEG recording, data is processed through digitised filters and broken down into different brainwaves. A client's QEEG is then compared with a normative database which compares their brain activity with others of their own age and gender. 


QEEGs provide insight into how the brain is functioning. Not only can we detect brainwaves, we can also understand how dysregulated brain activity could contribute to problematic symptoms and behaviours.


















QEEG Reports:


Following an initial QEEG assessment, client's will return to the clinic approximately one week later to view their Quantitative EEG Report and discuss treatment options based on their results. 


The report typically entails several hours of work. Data is analyzed, processed through multiple software programs and imaging applications and typed into a system generated report for clients to take home. If you require a detailed written report this can be done for an additional fee.     

A QEEG is the roadmap for treatment protocols and all neurotherapy training that follows. 

© 2022 by Neurotherapy Clinics Australia. 

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